STARGLASS strives to meet the demands placed on us by the market, which is why it proposes blinds built in a hermetically insulated glass unit. In our products, we use ScreenLine® systems from Pellini SpA, they are an integrated sun protection products in the form of a blind, encapsulated within two or three glass panes, in an insulating glass unit.
The systems are available in several control options: manual (string set - control of each of these elements is done magnetically) and electric (with internal motor - hidden - or external), powered via cable or through a battery module, optionally equipped with an external solar panel. Depending on the method of control, combined glass with blinds are used in residential buildings, office buildings, as well as in public places (schools, hospitals).
The movement of the blind, for manual or motorised systems, does not compromise the insulating properties of the double glazing unit and is performed in a totally sealed environment.
8 very good reasons to choose ScreenLine®:
- Clean for life
- risk of damage
- Maintenance free
- Durable components
- Long life
- Excellent light and solar control characteristics (e.g. allows internal regulation of solar radiation intensity from 82 to 0,0%)
- Guarantees privacy
- Linear design allows greater use of internal area
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